Coulee Bend Tres Bien
Last Updated on Oct. 03, 2014
'Benny' is a gorgeous filly with a great personality and VERY unique coloring.
She is one of only 7 (by the Silver Dapple Morgan Project listing) Buckskin silver dapples in the entire Morgan Breed !
She has an outgoing personality that puts her immediately at your side when you enter the corral, yet the quiet, mature nature that will make her an outstanding family/do-anything horse.
The photos do not do her justice regarding her coloring.
The foal hair is still shedding from her legs, but underneath is a gorgeous caramel bronze coloring that is an amazing contrast to her buttermilk body coloring.
Her mane and tail have gorgeous highlighting that would be the envy of any hair coloring technician :)
It is going to be very interesting to see how her color transforms with the silver dapple gene added to her beautiful buckskin coloring !
We are so excited that Benny is making her new home with KDA Morgans in Washington.
This is their first silver dapple and we are happy that they chose Benny to add to their successful breeding program.

Pedigree for Coulee Bend Tres Bien
2014 Silver dapple Buckskin filly
Sire Unconventional |
Sire Gone Gold |
Sire Adiel's Casino Gold |
Dam Kennebec Topaz |
Dam Foxton Frosty Dawn |
Sire Foxton Society Beau |
Dam Foxton Smokey Dawn |
Dam Coulee Bend Nirvana |
Sire Gold Correll Chinook FD |
Sire Triple S Chinook |
Dam Singing Winds Bicentenial |
Dam Dody Little Bell SRDA |
Sire Red Rose Gold Eddie |
Dam Lonedove Rosei Bell SRD |
By D.L.C. Consulting Inc.